Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So my Husband's Uncle is a HUGE Boston Red Sox Fan and His Wife Gail asked if I was up for a challenge. So knowing myself, I am always up for a challenge, I jumped right on this. Yes in the back of my mind I was freaking out thinking, How in the world am I going to do Fenway park!? My husband is an engineer so I asked him to help me carve it out with a template he found and printed off. It was a LONG process and we butt heads many times along the way just because im a decorator and a perfectionist in the art of cakes, so it was tough leaving something like this in the hands of someone else. Started off with a couple slabs of cake , iced and carved using templates. A few pictures below make it look simple and then we have the finished product. The Birthday Boy was Extremely pleased and refused to cut the cake. Its sitting on his place of honour still i am guessing.

Its all the little details that made the difference and what took the most time! Im pleased with the way it turned out . The only fault I made was spelling his name wrong..OOPS! I think he was too distracted to notice! :)

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